Contents: HDR Video using 5D Mark II Watch Video Demonstration Comments . HDR VIDEO USING 5D Mark II This is a fascinating demonstration of the results that can be achieved with a proper setup and workflow to get HDR (High Dynamic Range) video with two Canon 5D Mark II. Although it could also be done […]
Archive | September, 2010
Support for Tamron on Adobe products
September 6, 2010

Contents: Tamron to release AC for Adobe products Comments . TAMRON TO RELEASE ABERRATION CORRECTION CAMERA RAW PLUG-IN FOR ADOBE® PRODUCTS From Tamron Website: PRESS RELEASE September 1, 2010, Commack, NY— President and CEO of the optical equipment manufacturer Tamron Co. Ltd., Morio Ono announced today the release of their latest offering, an aberration correction […]
September 11, 2010