“A Life Through Signatures” Chris Leising and Ben Majoy, currently working in Boulder, CO, have recently submitted a short to participate in The Young Lions Film Competition, held in Cannes during the Festival week. Guess what? It was shot with a Canon EOS 5D Mark II. But the most important thing is that the competition […]
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F1 Ad Shot with 5D Mark II
November 3, 2010
Formula 1 Trackday summit 2010 – OnBoard dpt. RTV GmbH has produced an amazing footage, shot on Formula 1 race tracks worldwide between 2006 and 2010 with Canon HDSLR, ARRI 35mm & RED cameras. Emanuel Maximilian Schwermer, BVK, who worked on this and many other projects, has recently told some details about it: “We shot […]
HDR Video with 5DMk2
September 11, 2010
Contents: HDR Video using 5D Mark II Watch Video Demonstration Comments . HDR VIDEO USING 5D Mark II This is a fascinating demonstration of the results that can be achieved with a proper setup and workflow to get HDR (High Dynamic Range) video with two Canon 5D Mark II. Although it could also be done […]
May 21, 2011