- Update #2: Survey ended
- Update#1: Breaking news – Canon Survey
- Customers in real action – “Call Canon” Procedure
- Fixes & Improvements request
- List of additional Filmmaking features
- Customers Experiences & Testimonials
- Any doubts?
UPDATE #2: The survey has ended.
From Canon website:
“The response we received to this survey was truly overwhelming and we really appreciate your interest in participating.
We are very sorry but we have reached our required number of respondents and have ended this particular survey earlier than anticipated.”
UPDATE #1: Breaking news: CANON SURVEY
Along with calling Canon, and obviously due the high amount of customers calling Canon, this is a VERY GOOD chance to let them know how much you are interested in this regard and tell them your improvements request for the 5D Mark II.
– OFFICIAL Canon Survey – EOS Video related:
A Community of Photographers, Videographers and Filmmakers interested on improvements for video and other features in the 5D Mark II are taking a simple but still effective action.
We are doing what many Canon representatives told to be the best way: we are calling Canon and asking to enter a “feature request” for the 5D Mark II. This is the best way to be sure it will reach higher departments.
You can join this very simple effort doing the same. It only takes 5 minutes to politely ask to register a feature request for your 5DMkII. LOT of people already called, you won’t be the first, sorry about that 😉
– Any doubt about it?: Please take a look at the comments pasted below, the answers given by Canon (you might be VERY surprised!!) and the links at the bottom of this post too. This IS HAPPENING and you can add your “2 cents”.
Acting as Community we will get results sooner or later. It was a key factor to get Manual Control on June, and now this will benefit everyone too.
Call Canon and ask to register your Features Request:
– USA: 1-800-828-4040
– CANADA: 1-800-OK-CANON (1-800-652-2666)
– UK: 0844 369 0100
– List of European PRO Representatives here
This is a reference list of what THOUSANDS of customers are requesting since months ago all around the world.
What we strongly REQUEST:
– Standard Frame Rates as in 7D
29.97 / 25 / 23.976 fps: STANDARD 30/25/24p video modes.
– 720p mode at 29.97 fps
It will allow LONGER video recording time before reaching the 4GB file size limit.
– Improve AF contrast detection algorithm and/or add Focusing Aids
Magic Lantern has done a lot on this, and proven it is extremely useful, even essential. See additional Filmmaking features.
– Digital Zoom Video mode
To record on video a smaller area of the sensor as “digital zoom”. Very useful.
– 1:1 Crop Sensor Video mode
To record a native 1920×1080 area of the sensor, which extremely minimizes “jello” effect and eliminates aliasing issues/artifacts. This is possible in a similar way how Zoom level x5 and x10 works, but recording on video what you see on screen. This function could be part of the above one.
– 720p mode at 59.94 and 50 fps
– File Spanning function
A new video file is automatically created when 4GB is reached without stop recording. Very important for lot of users.
– “EDIT” option in playback mode (for Video mode)
This would allow Cut and Save part of recorded video clip. It is available on 7D and much cheaper P&S cameras.
– Noise Pattern Bug/Issue (Stills and Video mode)
IMPORTANT FIX: Noise pattern/banding visible on shadows at high (and not so high) ISO.
– More frames in Bracketing mode
For still photography. Very easy to fix.
– Auto ISO Limiters
For still photography and movie/video mode
– “REMAP” hot & stuck pixels function
This will save Canon Technical Support LOT of money and time. It is an essential feature. We still don’t understand why it wasn’t implemented yet.
– Live Histogram for video mode
– Remote Start/Stop video recording using cable release (if hardware possible)
– Full HD through HDMI output while recording (if hardware possible)
– Dropped Frames Bug (Video mode)
FIX. This happens sometimes when changing Aperture AND in normal situations without changing anything
– Exposure shift / flashing (Video mode)
FIX. This happens sometimes when zooming even in constant aperture zoom lenses
– Audio Manual Gain for video recording
FIX. Very easy, and ESSENTIAL for acceptable audio recording.
LIST of additional FILMMAKING features
Hugely demanded and used (until now only via Magic Lantern)
- Control of focus
- Peaking, false-color and edge detection on LCD
- Focus Assistance
- Focus rack
- Focus stacking
- Zebra stripes (video peaking)
- Manual gain control (audio)
- On-screen audio meters
… and LOT more features that has already been proven to be possible (and very useful) by Magic Lantern Project.
They are helping thousands of users on filmmaking jobs, and Canon could do even a better implementation of them via Firmware update. That would be another BIG BANG to keep big sales on this great camera.
– Focus Assistance System / Focus Detection Area
It would tell (in LiveView mode, and in real time if possible) when a specific area of the frame is in focus or not. This feature would be very helpful and very much appreciated by filmmakers.
– Magic Lantern’s New Features Request: Check them here, you will get very good and creative ideas on new features.
The importance of STANDARD frame rates
Until now the 5D Mark II has not even a single frame rate compatible with any other video camera made by Canon, 7D included !! That’s why we “AT LEAST” request the standard 29.97 fps.
Just few! Including all comments in this post would be completely annoying.
Write your own experience in the comment field!.
1 — “ I just called and spoke with a very friendly representative, and he said that calling in and registering this as a feature request with Canon was a great idea and it’s how manual control got in there.
So please, if you have a 5DmkII, take the five minutes and call in, it CAN make a difference. ”
2 — “ Just called – it was easy. I got a nice guy on the phone who let me know that they’ve had “quite a few” 5D Mark II owners calling up. He also said he was happy to take the call because he owns the camera, too, and would like to see a firmware update.
I asked what the chances were, and he said something to the effect that Canon hadn’t “made any announcements yet.”
That sounded especially promising. Make your call now, if you haven’t already done so.”
3 — ” I called. Very easy. Everyone else should do the same. The Canon rep asked for my name, address, email, and the serial number of my 5D. I inquired about 24p and other frame rates for the 5D. He mentioned the calls and customer complaints about the lack of manual control and the eventual firmware upgrade canon released. I would hope his mentioning of this would suggest a similar scenario for 24p.”
4 — ” I just did it too. I very politely told the lady who answered that “You may have heard this before but I heard about your new 7D and I want my 5D Mark 2 to support the same features as the cheaper camera…” and proceeded to POLITELY tell her all of the things we in this community have been looking for.
Her response was basically “Thank you for the input. I have heard this before many times. We really need this kind of input. It’s input like this from our customers that directly led to the release of the manual video settings firmware release.”
She further explained how each phone call we receive about it gets forwarded to management, a tech case is opened, etc. My conclusion is that they are listening and what we most need to do is make sure they hear us.
So everyone PLEASE follow suit and VERY POLITELY call, not email. A phone call shows much more sincerity on your part vs. an email that can be discarded in 2 seconds. I talked with customer support for 5 minutes while she jotted down our conversation to be put in the tech case.
It was VERY clear that the phone is ringing off the hook about this issue. What we want is for the tech support people to keep hearing our story. We want them to spend 30 minutes of every 60 minutes hearing how much better our lives would be if our beloved 5D had better video mode support and manual audio gain.
It’s like democracy folks. If you don’t vote, you have no case to complain. Let’s really let them know that dozens/hundreds/thousands of their owners really feel that these features are essential to their 5D.
The number is (800) 828-4040. And please don’t whine that “It won’t help”. Ultimately it could prove futile, but there is absolutely no downside to calling Canon and letting them know how much we are countng on their support. ”
5 — “ I called Canon again today and chose General Product Support instead of Tech Support. I stated that I was calling “to make a product feature request for my 5D Mark II”, and right away the support rep said that he was writing them down to send up to Canon. So again I gave him the things I wanted to see improved or added, and he agreed with everything, saying that they have heard them a number of times.
He was way more receptive than the gentleman yesterday. After I had finished, he said he was entering my requests into a “Customer Voice” request form that would be sent up the line and read by someone higher up.
So, it seems that a lot of people are calling in and making waves here. Someone is listening, and I am betting that a change(s) will be made in the near future.”
To see what is going on, please check Cinema5D forum thread and 5Dmk2 blog.
This is happening, this is REAL.
Your call is IMPORTANT. This is the RIGHT and BEST TIME to call Canon.
The more customers calling Canon and politely requesting, the more chances we ALL have.
As many Canon representatives already told: “this is the BEST way to be sure that the requests reach higher departments.”
Feel free to pass and spread this information.
We hope Canon consider all these features VERY seriously to be implemented via Firmware update, because they are possible on THIS CAMERA and they are VERY important for professionals and serious amateurs (Nikon could do it before indeed…)
September 4, 2009
Campaigns, Comments, EOS 5D Mark II, Special Info, Tech Suggestions