New Name & New Website!

May 2, 2011

General News

New Name & New Site!

More than two years ago, we started the “5D Mark II Team” blog with the purpose of helping and supporting all possible campaigns to encourage all Canon users to request improvements for the Canon EOS 5D Mark II via firmware update (especially “full manual control”, and later “standard 24/25/30p modes”). We even posted, long ago, a List of Fixes & Improvements that includes lot of possible enhancement for the current and future cameras.

Through this period of time we experienced many different situations and learned lot of things. Also met very nice people from other places (sometimes very far) and websites.

Since some months ago we felt the real need to expand our site and also rename it. Not only due to the upcoming new 5D Mark III, but also and more important because we don’t focus only on the 5D Mark II anymore.

We love the Canon EOS 5D Mark II indeed, which is still one of the best HDSLR cameras, but we like and want to share useful information regarding other models, even made by other manufacturers, as well as other technical topics.

So we decided to do all changes at once. That implied new name, new Twitter/Vimeo/YouTube IDsĀ  and a self hosted new website (and lot of work!).

Special thanks

We want to give very special thanks to our friends at Planet5D for all the tips and advices they gave us on this process. They keep an amazing job on their website, and they are also really great people! We highly recommend visiting their huge website.

New categories and site layout

We reorganized the content, and changed the layout of our site, making it more user friendly to improve the experience of our readers.

There are lot of work to do yet. Please accept our apologizes for some pending sections and site corrections. We are working hard on them and they will be implemented soon.

New Social Networks IDs & Site Subscriptions

If you are currently following us on Twitter, don’t worry, you don’t need to do anything. We already renamed our Twitter ID keeping all followers. The same applies to Vimeo.

We strongly suggest our readers to subscribe to our new website to receive updates when new articles are published.

All previous subscription to the old blog will not work anymore. Don’t miss news, technical articles and promotion alerts!

We launched a Facebook page and new YouTube channel. Expect new content there very soon!

Subscribe to any of our social networks pages using the buttons on the right side of this site or at the bottom of this article.

Well, the new site is now online! We really hope you enjoy it!

Best regards,

HD Cam Team

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