*UPDATE* Samyang / Rokinon / Bower 24mm f/1.4 ED AS IF UMC Coming soon!

January 24, 2012

Announcements, General News, Lenses

UPDATE – February 15, 2012: The new Samyang / Rokinon / Bower 24mm f/1.4 ED AS UMC lens is already available for pre-orders!. Click HERE to check it.

NOTE: As mentioned in previous posts, Samyang, Rokinon and Bower are actually the same lens. You’ll more likely find Samyang in Europe, while Rokinon and Bower in North America.

Few hours ago Rokinon has unveiled some pictures of the 24mm f/1.4 ED AS UMC Lens which was already announced in August, 2011 [click HERE].

According to Rokinon, the new 24mm f1.4 would be available at the end of February/beginning of March (somewhat delayed from original estimated date) at a cost between $600 – $700, offering great image quality.

Below there are some pictures of this new lens. The picture at top of this post compares the existing and excellent 35mm f/1.4 ED AS UMC lens with the upcoming 24mm f/1.4.


Images full credits: Rokinon.

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